Virgo Versus The Zodiac

Dethrone the Zodiacs, revive the Golden Age and purge the Heretics that swarm the galaxy as Virgo, the queen of Purity, in this unforgiving timed actions turn-based JRPG.

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게임 정보

#귀여운JRPG #가성비좋은 #QTE턴제전투

Also by Moonana

게임 정보

Virgo Versus the Zodiac is a sci-fi/fantasy JRPG inspired by the Mario & Luigi RPG series and the Mother RPG series in which you play as an obsessed villain.

The game features traditional turn-based combat with real-time execution of moves: blocking, countering and timing your attacks carefully as well as predicting your foes' moves is essential to succeed in Virgo’s twisted and unforgiving cosmic quest to bring back the Golden Age, a period of peace, symmetry and balance, or so she thinks.

In this galaxy where every action means a reaction, you’ll play as Virgo, the Holy Queen, often called Dreadful Queen by heretics, bringing mayhem to the Zodiac Realms and leaving a trail of stardust on the way, all to fit her excessively righteous worldview.

  • A unique turn based combat system featuring timed-actions and counterattacks that favors a balance of offense and defense, rewarding a deliberate mind and swift fingers.

  • No Random Encounters: Every fight is a unique challenge designed specifically for you.

  • A focus on exploration with multiple endings: There are many people, places, and items to see among the stars, and each interaction could be the one that determines your fate!
  • Zodiac Memories: Peer behind the veil to explore the backstories of the Zodiacs!
  • Take the Dangerous Route and fight off the Space Reptiles in an optional Action Filled Shoot'em Up Minigame!

  • And most importantly: Riding Alpacas!


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS
인디 RPG
영어, 일본어, 중국어 간체, 한국어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 쿠타르크의 인디 게임 천국. 버고 버서스 더 조디악(Virgo Versus The Zodiac)의 한글...

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  • Negoist 하나둘 [스팀게임/JRPG,도트] VIRGO versus The ZODIAC

    개요 게임분류 : 픽셀, 턴제 rpg VIRGO라는 캐릭터가 ZODIAC들을 하나하나 굴복? 시켜가면서 진행되는 RPG. 명목이 턴제 게임이지만, 절대 수동적이지 않다. 사실 느끼기에는 오히려 피지컬게임인거같은데... 또한...

  • 전자주막 더 조디악 한글패치 및 맛보기 (Virgo Versus The Zodiac)

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