
Your new favorite Werewolf game! Seat around the fire with friends, play a villager, a werewolf or another type of character and use strategy to win!

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게임 정보

#마피아게임 #다양한직업
Agrou is a multiplayer strategy game where everyone has to trust their intuition, be aware of the others and act smart in order to win.

Each game, a group of villagers gather around the fire and face a problem: werewolves hide and eat innocents among the players! Every day, they get together and have to debate who they think are guilty. The player gets sacrificed the next night. When the sun is down, the werewolves decide on their next victim. Among the villagers, some players have peculiar roles and powers: the seer, the thief, the hunter... Much needed help that has to be used wisely and strategically!

If all of the werewolves are eliminated, the villagers win the game. On the opposite, the werewolves are victorious and the village gets torn appart.

Main functionalities:

  • Multiplayer: play online, from 4 up to 12 players. You can play with your friends or join other players.
  • Written and vocal chat: communication is essential in Agrou, as you have to blame suspect players or defend yourself against their accusation!
  • Many playable characters: special roles and abilities are available in Agrou, and some are brand new as well as never seen in any other game before! Every game is different and has to be played accordingly. You have a lot to discover and enjoy from villagers and werewolves!
  • Various maps: village, forest, cave... Every map has its own mood and will spice up your games! We even say that dead players wander around just to see the alives argue...!
  • Customization : personalize your character from head to foot to distinguish yourself from other players!
  • Progression and statistics: you get experience points and rewards from every games you won. At every level you get new titles or cosmetic elements to equip to personnalize your own character and proudly show your rank!


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

캐주얼 인디 전략
프랑스어, 영어, 한국어, 튀르키예어, 베트남어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 흐무's Blog Agrou: 진영 별 모든 직업/역할 공략

    Agrou: 진영 별 모든 직업/역할 공략 1. 진영의 소개 진영에는 총 3가지가 있다. - 시민 진영 - 늑대 진영... 미션이 실패하면, 시민 직업으로 변경된다. Agrou 공략 링크: 진영 별 모든 직업/역할 공략

  • 흐무's Blog Agrou: 소개, 게임플레이, 룰, 규칙, 직업/역할

    Agrou: 소개, 게임플레이, 룰, 규칙, 직업/역할 어그로우 Agrou 제목: Agrou 장르: 캐주얼, 인디, 전략 개발... 직업/역할 링크: 진영 별 모든 직업/역할 공략 4. 시스템 요구사항 최소 사양 운영체제: Windows XP/Vista...

  • 햇빛 [2탄]4인 이상 스팀 추천겜 (추추가)

    어그로우 (Agrou) 이건 20시간 넘게한 마피아 게임. 초반에 직업익히기만 하면 정말 재밌게 할 수 있다.... 공략을 보면 쉬울것 같은데 친구랑 얘기하면 금방 깰것 같다(?). 48스테이지가 있고 2인에서 8인까지...

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