Shadowrun Returns

The unique cyberpunk-meets-fantasy world of Shadowrun has gained a huge cult following since its creation nearly 25 years ago. Now, creator Jordan Weisman returns to the world of Shadowrun, modernizing this classic game setting as a single player, turn-based tactical RPG.

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게임 정보

#스토리중심RPG #XCOM식턴제전투 #사이버펑크느낌
The unique cyberpunk-meets-fantasy world of Shadowrun has gained a huge cult following since its creation nearly 25 years ago. Now, creator Jordan Weisman returns to the world of Shadowrun, modernizing this classic game setting as a single player, turn-based tactical RPG.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
어드벤처 인디 RPG 전략
영어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 독일어, 러시아어

업적 목록

