Grow Up

Leaping from mind-boggling heights, bouncing off Champolines, soaring inches from floating islands, BUD can do it all - that look of mild terror, that’s his daredevil face. Help the adorable little robot collect MOM’s scattered ship parts and return them to the moon.

트레일러 영상 보기 상점 방문하기

게임 정보

#쉬운난이도 #자유도높은 #행성탐험RPG
While out exploring the galaxy with MOM, BUD’s parental spaceship, she goes to pieces. Like, literally – MOM’s all over the place. The positioning of that moon was terribly inconsiderate. Now her ship parts are scattered far and wide across an entire alien planet so rich in flora and fauna it would make even the most jaded galactic gardener’s head spin. It’s up to BUD to collect all her parts and get them back to the moon.

  • Join this adorable wobbly robot on his fantastical acroBUDic adventure to the moon.
  • Collect MOM’s ship parts with the help of your new friend POD. She likes planets. A lot.
  • Explore an entire alien planet filled with excitement and wonder. And a Flungus.
  • Walking’s overrated. Tuck BUD into Ball mode to boost, bounce and roll around the planet.
  • Take to the air and soar between floating islands like a big metal bird with the Power Glider.
  • Exercise those green fingers and overcome obstacles by spawning any plant you’ve found with the Floradex 3000.
  • Ride giant Starplants into the sky (yes, we know what they look like…)


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

어드벤처 캐주얼 인디
영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 러시아어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 행복한 갓생러 워니의 (・ ᗜ ・) ⁺✧ 다채로운 서재 Growup 0802 투자, 실행력

    돈을 버는 근본 원리 (상대를) - 편하게 해주기 -행복하게 해주기 병사라는 도구를 갖고 성을 공략하는 방법(2) 1. 사업 2. 투자 두 가지 모두 실행해야겠다. 이 두가지도 이미 몇 년전부터 알고 있던 사실이었으나...

  • Happily ever after [RPG게임] 해리포터 호그와트 미스터리 마법약 수업 공략 / 번역

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