BONEWORKS is an Experimental Physics VR Adventure. Use found physics weapons, tools, and objects to fight across dangerous playscapes and mysterious architecture.

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게임 정보

#하프라이프느낌VR #멀미주의 #디테일한상호작용

BONEWORKS Interaction Systems

ATTENTION: This game demonstrates advanced VR mechanics and concepts, players are recommended to have previous VR experience and understanding of common VR gameplay principles before proceeding.

게임 정보

BONEWORKS Is a narrative VR action adventure using advanced experimental physics mechanics. Dynamically navigate through environments, engage in physics heavy combat, and creatively approach puzzles with physics.

  • Advanced Physics: Designed entirely for consistent universal rules, the advanced physics mechanics encourage players to confidently and creatively interact with the virtual world however you want.
  • Combat: Approach combat in any number of ways you can think of following the physical rules of the game's universe. Melee weapons, firearms, physics traps, environments, can all be used to aid you in fights with enemy entities.
  • Weapons, lots of weapons: Boneworks provides players with a plethora of physics based weaponry; guns, swords, axes, clubs, spears, hammers, experimental energy weapons, nonsensical mystery tools, and anomalous physics weapons.
  • Interaction: Hyper realistic VR object and environment interaction.
  • Story: Play through the game's mysterious narrative and explore the deep inner workings of the Monogon Industries' artificial intelligence operating system; Myth OS.
  • Character Bodies: Accurate full IK body systems built from the ground up provide a realistic looking body presence and allow for a maximum level of immersion with physical interaction in the game space.

More feature information soon.

ATTENTION: This game demonstrates advanced VR mechanics and concepts, players are recommended to have previous VR experience and understanding of common VR gameplay principles before proceeding.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

액션 어드벤처 인디 시뮬레이션
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 짠순이엄마 [출시게임]하프라이프 알릭스 공략 호환가능 장비 삼성...

    [출시게임]하프라이프 알릭스 공략 호환가능 장비 삼성 오디세이 플러스 하프라이프 시리즈의 기존 무기가 다시 등장한다. 대표적인 자동권총[11]과 코어볼 발사기가 없는 단축형 펄스 소총, 그리고 본작에서...

  • 잇사이팅 [Eat+Exciting=EatCitng] [스팀VR게임] 본웍스 조작법

    본웍스(BONEWORKS)의 조작법에 대해 알려드릴께요~ 한 번에 보기 좋게 만들어봤는데요, 좌측 컨트롤러에... 알려드렸는데요~ "공략" 이 궁금하다면, 동영상이 너무 길어 유튜브에 올려놨으니 본웍스 조작법...

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