
In FlowScape you can create your own nature scene simply by painting. Choose from 20 landscapes and more than 300 models to create your own little paradise by painting trees, changing the sky, rotating the sun, adding sound effects and adjusting your camera for that perfect photo.

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게임 정보

#뉴비도쉬운 #자연환경만들기
Ever wanted to effortlessly paint beautiful landscapes where there are no mistakes and only happy accidents? FlowScape offers that with its built-in selection of trees, houses, forts, mountains, flowers, wild critters and so much more, all at your immediate disposal. It’s easy, just click and paint, and the results are breathtaking.

FlowScape boasts hundreds of unique 3D models, an intuitive interface, an ever-growing community and free content updates. The toolbar has advanced paint options such as align to landscape, size, flow of the brush, random leaning, grow speed, and layers to determine where things get painted. Drop objects such as rocks, logs, twigs and leaves in real-time physics into your scene.

You can use a combination of twenty-four 4k textures for your landscape and then choose from twenty-four different skies. In the camera settings there are plenty of sliders to allow you lots of control over your final image.

Ten different sound ambiances from birds, insects, water and weather can be added to your scene to immerse you into your special world.

You can save screenshots up to 8k, create panoramas or make videos using your favorite capture app. If you play D&D we have a top-down view with optional square and hexagonal grids, and 2K-8K image export for battle maps.

If the included models don't offer the versatility you need, you can import your own using the obj. format exported from your favorite modelling program or get many free ones from online.

We cant wait to see what amazing stories you will create!

Check out the awesome images our users have created on Flickr



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관련 기사

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