Legend of Grimrock

Use the Dungeon Editor to build entirely new adventures and challenges for other players to solve.

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게임 정보

#클래식던전RPG #퍼즐많은 #아쉬운전투시스템

Steam Workshop

Use the Dungeon Editor to build entirely new adventures and challenges for other players to solve. Fill your dungeons with puzzles, traps, or even totally new items, monsters and environments with custom graphics and audio!
Click here to learn more.

게임 정보

Legend of Grimrock is a dungeon crawling role playing game with an oldschool heart but a modern execution. A group of prisoners are sentenced to certain death by exiling them to the secluded Mount Grimrock for vile crimes they may or may not have committed. Unbeknownst to their captors, the mountain is riddled with ancient tunnels, dungeons and tombs built by crumbled civilizations long perished now. If they ever wish to see daylight again and reclaim their freedom the ragtag group of prisoners must form a team and descend through the mountain, level by level.

The game brings back the oldschool challenge with highly tactical real-time combat and grid-based movement, devious hidden switches and secrets as well as deadly traps and horrible monsters. Legend of Grimrock puts an emphasis on puzzles and exploration and the wits and perception of the player are more important tools than even the sharpest of swords could be. And if you are a hardened dungeon crawling veteran and you crave an extra challenge, you can arm yourself with a stack of grid paper and turn on the Oldschool Mode which disables the luxury of the automap! Are you ready to venture forth and unravel the mysteries of Mount Grimrock?

Key Features:

  • Explore a vast network of ancient tunnels, discover secrets and find a way to survive in the perilous dungeons of Mount Grimrock.
  • Cast spells with runes, craft potions with herbs and fight murderous monsters with a wide variety of weaponry.
  • Create a party of four characters and customize them with different races, classes, skills and traits.
  • Pure blooded dungeon crawling game with grid-based movement and thousands of squares riddled with hidden switches, pressure plates, sliding walls, floating crystals, forgotten altars, trapdoors and more.
  • Includes the following digital extras: a beautifully crafted game manual, Legend of Grimrock world map, custom made grid paper, Grimrock theme music, art sheets illustrating foul creatures of Grimrock, and Almost Human team photo.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
어드벤처 인디 RPG

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 紫零's 夏 Human] 레전드 오브 그림락 2 (Legend of Grimrock II)

    죽어야지 + 공략 모르면 길찾기에 수십분 같은 고전 RPG가 망한 지분들을 당당하게 뽐내고... 그냥 공략을 보는걸 추천한다 http://legendofgrimrock.com/index.php?id=72&site=2 무난하게 공략되어있는 사이트이니...

  • 신산만산할락궁이 Legend of Grimrock

    도저히 안되는 부분은 공략을 봤는데 공략 읽는 것도 나에겐 퍼즐 푸는 것과 다를바 없었다. 그래도 뭐 어찌어찌 깼다. 인터페이스가 좀 개떡 같다. 튜토리얼이 거의 없다시피 간단한데 처음에 공격하는 법을...

  • gamefor님의블로그 Legend of Grimrock 공략 모음

    여기 플레이어들에게 도움 주기 위한 다양한 공략들을 한데 모아 소개 하니 살아남기 위한 초석으로 삼아도 좋을 것이다. 완성되는 공략 순서대로 업로드 될 예정이니...

관련 기사

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    <애플 앱스토어> 순위에서는 클래식 던전 크롤링 RPG ‘레전드 오브 그림록(Legend of Grimrock)’과 육성게임 ‘하치(Hatchi)’가 각각 유료 인기 1위와 10위를 기록했다. <구글 플레이> 매출 순위에 구축된 ‘넷마블 방어선’...

업적 목록
