Dracula: Origin

Dracula: Origin reveals the dark origins of the Dracula curse. Step into the shoes of the famous Professor Van Helsing and experience a thrilling journey that will take you from London to Egypt, Austria and through Carpathian Europe right into the terrifying lair of the Dark Prince.

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Dracula: Origin reveals the dark origins of the Dracula curse. Once the ardent defender of Christendom, Dracula loses his faith in God when he is abandoned by his one true love after she marries. Dracula then makes a pact with the Prince of Darkness, and becomes a vampire. As time goes by, Dracula discovers the existence of a manuscript that allegedly details a rite which brings damned souls back from the beyond.

In Dracula: Origin, the player takes the role of the famous Professor Van Helsing whose life's aim is the destruction of Dracula. Van Helsing must stop the vampire from finding the manuscript. A rich adventure that takes him from London to Egypt, Austria and through Carpathian Europe right into the terrifying home of the Dark Prince.

  • A fantastic, gothic, romantic atmosphere faithful to Bram Stoker's original universe for a total immersion in the adventure.
  • A relentless hunt throughout several countries, in pursuit of one of the most terrifying characters in fantastic literature.
  • Superb graphics combining 2D environments and 3D characters backed by an excellent scenario.
  • Interact with more than 40 characters. Use and combine more than 150 objects belonging to the vampire world (stake, statue, garlic, mirror and many more).
  • Help system that shows the interactive possibilities (objects and actions) to help players in need.


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

11000 원

요약 정보

어드벤처 캐주얼
영어*, 프랑스어*, 독일어*, 이탈리아어*, 폴란드어, 러시아어, 스페인어 - 스페인*
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

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  • MTG Mania Dracula : Origin 게임 공략(2)

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