Quest for Conquest

Gather your troops and embark on a journey! The capital awaits you, but will you have what it takes to survive the journey, or will you fail like many others before you?

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게임 정보

Quest for Conquest is a 2D caravan management game, where you play as the leader of a ragtag caravan. Travel around a fantasy land where 4 different cultures have merged, but not always peacefully. Disarray is spreading through the land, and the ruler is doing nothing about it, so maybe it's time to replace them.

Asking politely most likely won't do the job, so you're going to need an army if you wish to take over the capital. But remember, this is going to be a dangerous journey, so you should always think carefully about the choices you make. It's hard to be a leader if you, and your troops are all dead.

Raise your sword
  • ...and promptly put it back down, after you realize that you’re not much of a warrior. Perhaps the role of a leader will suit you better.
Gather your troops
  • Recruit characters from 4 different races, and turn your ragtag group into a formidable army.
Travel across the land
  • Explore a kingdom, where the ideologies and cultures of 4 different races have merged.
Discover events & encounters
  • During your quest, you will come across different types of events and encounters that require you to make choices. Poor decisions may quickly lead to your downfall, so choose wisely.
Manage your caravan
  • Use resources to upgrade and expand your humble little caravan, and turn it into a force to be reckoned with. You need to be ready for battles at all times, so keeping your troops well-fed is also a must. Nobody wants to go to war on an empty stomach.
Lead your forces to battle
  • Just remember your role, and leave the fighting to the real warriors. After all, you need to stay alive if you wish to see your quest to the end.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

어드벤처 캐주얼 인디
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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