Space Carrot

Arcade game about collecting carrot growing on asteroids. Perfect way to spend 5 minutes while waiting for something. Best played with a gamepad.

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게임 정보

Space Carrot is a simple arcade score-chasing game about collecting carrot growing on asteroids, where the only goals are to beat records and unlock new ships.


Collect carrot.
Evade dangerous asteroids.
Try to survive as long as you can.
Watch the fuel! Ship control will start to fail, if you have little fuel.
Collecting carrot restores ship health and fuel.
Buy new ships with unique abilities.
Use those abilities to survive longer.


Best played with a gamepad.
Move your mouse over the screen or use Gamepad left stick to aim the ship.
Press 'Escape' or Gamepad 'Y' to pause the game.

Ships with special abilities:
  • Slow-mo: Left Mouse Button, or Gamepad 'A'
  • Turbo: Right Mouse Button, or Gamepad 'B'


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 리눅스OS
액션 캐주얼 인디 시뮬레이션
영어, 러시아어

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