Derail Valley Dev Support OST

By buying this album you directly support development of Derail Valley. Dev Support OST contains music we composed for Derail Valley's trailers, as well as some extra tracks made during the game's development.

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By buying this album you directly support development of Derail Valley. Dev Support OST contains music we composed for Derail Valley's trailers, as well as some extra tracks made during the game's development. Normally these tracks would go lost and forgotten, but following player feedback we thought we'd give them a second life.

The music was made by Altfuture's founder & lead designer Slobodan Stevic, over the years of development of Derail Valley. No track from the album has ever been released before, making this collection a little sneak peak into behind the scenes here at Altfuture! For backstory on each track, visit the "View the quick reference" link in the side bar.


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