Wall Ninja

The princess has been kidnapped and it is up to you, the Wall Ninja, to save her. All you have to do is to jump up on a few walls. How hard can that be? Just don't lose your grip...

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게임 정보

Wall Ninja is a game where you have to reach the top through wall jumping. Just don't lose your grip or gravity will punish you..

Don't give up!

Explore and overcome 9 different area's each with its own theme.

Meet new friends on your way to the top.

Friends like Painter Pete!

A dead skeleton!

A annoying goose or duck or whatever that is!

To reach the top you will need some steady reaction speed and willpower, so come prepared!
Wall Ninja contains over 30 songs to help you keep calm and continue onwards.

And remember, never give up! Because the princess and someone else is waiting for you...

The game is a solo project created by MrSliddes, creator of SLIDDES.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

액션 어드벤처 인디

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 파워 퍼프 로그 - 파워 퍼프 로그 버스터 공략 CASTLE TOWN, WOOD, NINJA YASHIKI 1, 2 - 파워...

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