
Blobert is a platforming gaming where you have to skillfully maneuver yourself around obstacles to escape the evil clutches of Troblob. Along the way you run into Fabby the Fairy who aids you on your quest for vengeance.

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게임 정보

Blobert is the 86th clone to be experimented on by the evil scientist Troblob. Help him escape and enact revenge on Troblob with the help of Fabby the Fairy.

Maneuver around obstacles by using his integrated foot laser cannon and explore the world Blobert interacts with:

  • Blobert is a Fast Paced 2D Platforming game
  • Blobert's foot laser causes him to speed up immensely allowing him to navigate through tough obstacle courses
  • Use your bloodlust to power your foot laser cannon
  • Refresh your bloodlust by biting sheep placed throughout the levels
  • Play with your companion Fabby as you try to catch Troblob before he escapes
  • 4 breathtaking places to explore within the world of Blobert
  • A Rich and Engaging Storyline co-authored by writing genius Christian Oda
  • Stunning soundtrack curated specifically for Blobert

Play Blobert Now!!!

Good Luck!


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요약 정보

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어드벤처 인디
*음성이 지원되는 언어

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