Syberia: The World Before

Embark on a quest for identity through time, as you piece together the puzzle of two lives.

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게임 정보

#그래픽대격변 #마우스클릭진행 #스토리중심ADV

위시리스트 추가


Deluxe Edition

The Deluxe Edition of Syberia: The World Before contains :

  • The Soundtrack
  • A short version of the Syberia : The World Before – Prologue script by Benoît Sokal and Lucas Lagravette
  • The Game Fan Kit : 3 wallpapers, 3 avatars and 3 original storyboards by Benoît Sokal

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게임 정보

Unravel the intertwined fates of Kate Walker, a New-York attorney whose life was turned around by the call to adventure, and Dana Roze, a young and promising pianist in Vaghen whose career is threatened by the shadow of the Second World War

A tale like no other! Embark on a magical journey through the enchanting cities of eastern Europe, both in 1937 and 2004. Accompanied by the music of Inon Zur and the Budapest Film Symphony, piece together the puzzles that will disentangle the mysteries of two lives entwined together

Carve your path across an unprecedented adventure using your wits, repair broken instruments, open tricky locks, find elaborate ways to activate mechanisms from the past, but above all watch closely your surroundings for clues

The Budapest Film Symphony, led by the internationally acclaimed composer Inon Zur (Prince of Persia, Dragon Age, Fallout…) created a sublime score, and interpreted meaningful themes for the characters and locations throughout the game

Syberia: The World Before is the culminating point of the late Benoit Sokal’s steampunk and wonderous universe. After the first 2 Syberia game’s in the early 2000’s, now considered Point and Click classics, and the 3rd installment of the series in 2017, Syberia is back in all its glory, with a brand new story that can be played independently and modern graphics


가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

41000 원

추정 판매 / 매출
예측 판매량


예측 매출


요약 정보

영어*, 프랑스어*, 이탈리아어, 독일어*, 스페인어 - 스페인, 일본어, 한국어, 폴란드어*, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 러시아어*, 중국어 간체, 중국어 번체, 체코어, 네덜란드어
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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관련 기사

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스팀 리뷰 (1)

총 리뷰 수: 27 긍정 피드백 수: 24 부정 피드백 수: 3 전체 평가 : Positive
  • 다 하긴 했지만 내가 기대했던 것과 동떨어진 서사에 후반에는 흥미가 조금 떨어졌다 ㅠㅠ 퍼즐 진행이 흥미로웠고, 과거와 현재를 넘나드는 진행도 좋았는데 이야기 흐름이 내 취향이 아니었음
