My boss is weird

"My boss is weird" is a career AVG choice play as the core of the game, the game about a workplace Xiaobai, was inexplicably suspected as a peeper, in order to prove his innocence. In the game, players will face a series of choices, some of which seem small, but lead to different results.

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게임 정보

"My boss is weird" is a career AVG choice play as the core of the game, the game about a workplace Xiaobai, was inexplicably suspected as a peeper, in order to prove his innocence. In the game, players will face a series of choices, some of which seem small, but lead to different results.


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가


추가 콘텐츠

요약 정보

캐주얼 인디 무료 플레이
영어, 일본어*, 중국어 번체
*음성이 지원되는 언어

블로그 포스트 정보

  • My Weird School #2: Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!

    My Weird School #2 Mr. Klutz Is Nuts! Chap1 1 Tear down the sidewalk 인도를 질주하다 Mr.... Chap3 8 Boss around 지시하다 If I can’t be a professional hockey player when I grow up, I...

  • 정선생 영어 교실 - Zoom 그룹 문법 (영어책)Dr.Floss is the boss! 그냥 이야기

    My weird school 시리즈의 후속작입니다. 아이들이 재밌어하는 시리즈이지요. 집에 있던지 1ㅡ2년 되었는데 그전엔 관심 없었는데 아이가 시리즈에 빠지더니 일주일정도 할일을 전폐하고 읽더라구요....

  • 하는 사람의 블로그 한다 My diary talking about my life being a boss and the...

    bit weird that I've never ever even tried to think about having a car in my life but since I drove a car, I started to look at the cars that I encounter, and I feel like having a car is...

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