Ultra App Kit

Built to power a new generation of game development tools, Ultra App Kit provides an easy-to-use C++ programming SDK for creating cross-platform desktop GUI applications. Learn from extensive documentation with hundreds of examples.

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게임 정보

Built to power a new generation of game development tools, Ultra App Kit provides an easy-to-use C++ programming SDK for creating cross-platform desktop GUI applications. Learn from extensive documentation with hundreds of examples. Integrate a 3D engine or OpenGL rendering for embedded 3D graphics.

Make it Snappy

Unlike other alternatives like ImGui, Ultra App Kit draws using retained mode instead of immediate mode. This makes resizing windows and interacting with screen elements fast and responsive, even with the most complex interfaces.

Pixel-Perfect Pixels on any Screen

DPI scaling is baked into the core of our design, for a beautiful clean appearance at any resolution.

Small and Efficient

Ultra App Kit runs with no extra dependencies and produces tiny executables (usually less than one megabyte after UPX compression) that start up and exit instantly.

Code Once, Compile Everywhere

Ultra App Kit now supports Windows, Linux, and macOS, so you can build beautiful applications that run everywhere and include native support for Apple Silicon.

API Design

  • Smart pointers everywhere makes C++ programming about as easy as C#
  • Extensible widgets system
  • Extensive documentation with examples for each command

UI Features

  • Resolution-independent for any DPI scale
  • Load SVG vector images
  • Set widget icons
  • Change mouse cursor
  • Custom color schemes stored in JSON files

Supported Widgets

  • Label
  • Button (push, checkbox, radio, and toggle styles)
  • ProgressBar
  • TextField
  • TextArea
  • ComboBox
  • ListBox
  • Slider (scrollbar, trackbar, and stepper styles)
  • Draggable multi-select TreeView
  • Create your own custom widgets

Additional Features

  • File I/O
  • File system watcher
  • Memory allocation and management
  • Image loading, saving, processing
  • Plugin system
  • Thread management
  • String manipulation (split, search, conversion, etc.)
  • Message boxes and file / folder requester


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요약 정보

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게임 개발

블로그 포스트 정보

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