We all dreamed of adventures full of mysteries and mysticism, dreamed of finding ourselves in unusual situations and emerging from them as a hero. Liber is an adventure about travel in time, the search for truth and oneself, about friendship and revaluation of values..

트레일러 영상 보기 상점 방문하기

게임 정보

What will happen if an ordinary student falls into the hands of an ancient book with the texts of a forgotten civilization, capable of transporting the reader through space and time? Find out about it in Liber - a 3-d person action adventure, where fragments of past eras are mixed like a kaleidoscope!

In Liber, you have to try on the faces of two completely different heroes who find themselves in an unfamiliar environment. What adventures and challenges lie ahead? Will they be able to find a common language with each other? How will the incident affect them? Will they be able to find their way back?
Let's find it out!

- Unique among games setting of the hitmen;
- Lots of ways to interact with the world;
- Deep plot and colorful characters;
- Integrated combat system - hand-to-hand combat, fencing, shooting;
- Variability in the passage of sections of the game;
- Large locations, different in visual and mechanics;
- High-quality and detailed picture created with UE4.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

액션 어드벤처 인디
영어*, 러시아어
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

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업적 목록
