Cosmo Demo

You are the lucky one (or not) who managed to survive the most powerful solar flare in history and then plunge headlong into the permafrost. Can you adapt to the new conditions on Earth without losing your sanity and retaining your humanity?

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게임 정보

The Sun. Its light gave rise to life in our system. Everything changed at the end of 2021. The flash was so powerful that now no one can tell how powerful it was, and no one will ever know again, since all the electrical equipment on the planet was out of order.

The time stopped around 19:32 Moscow time. But not only time stopped: the cars stalled, the electricity and water supply stopped, electronics stopped responding to any attempts to activate it, communication with the whole world disappeared, the snow under your feet instantly began to melt, turning into streams. On top of that, fires broke out in the forests, and the cities were blanketed in black smoke, as if all the factories in the world were working at full capacity at once.

For a whole week the temperature stayed under 70 degrees, wiping out a huge portion of the population not only from the fires, headaches and other unpleasant things that happened, but also from what happened next. The temperature began to drop precipitously. The sun emitted much less energy, which was no longer enough to heat the planet. And an eternal winter of abnormally low temperatures began, causing more death and disease. The government fell, laws were no longer in effect, and the people, or rather the handful of remaining survivors, sought to survive at all costs, ready to kill their neighbors for a can of stew or a warm thing.

You're the lucky one (or not) who managed to visit the real hell with its cauldrons, then plunge headfirst into the permafrost, and survive. Will you be able to adapt to the new conditions on Earth, not lose your sanity and keep your humanity?

Key Features:

  • Make decisions, often hard and irreversible
  • Craft anything that will help you survive.
  • Explore the area before you go to bed.
  • Make sure your character doesn't die from cold, hunger, thirst, or bleeding
  • The whole game is based on real events.


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영어, 러시아어

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