게임 정보
You can play a race against the clock on different levels, too, competing against previous clocked times. Your run will be recorded, as a "Ghost" which can be submitted, along with your time, to the global high scores online. You can download other users' Ghosts to compete with friends and strangers around the world and see who found the fastest route.
Following the acclaim of the previously awarded prototype for And Yet It Moves, we present the full version, containing three exciting and beautiful environments and lots of new challenges.
- Advanced platforming: Not only can you jump and run, but you can rotate the world in 90 degree intervals, as well.
- 17 levels with a unique look & feel: Mind-bending puzzles set in an extraordinary paper collage world, with three different environments, enriched and brought to life with handmade sounds and music.
- Speed Run mode: You can compete against the clock or previously recorded Ghost Runs on each level, with marathon runs throughout the entire environment.
- Online high scores and shareable Ghost Runs:Go for the high score by challenging your friends or complete strangers and polish your skills of rotation.
게임 이름에서 게임의 가장 핵심적인 특징을 알 수 있다. (제목은 "그래도 지구는 돈다") 시스템은 말보다 영상으로 보는게 이해가 빠른편이다. 그리고 조잡하게 얼기설기 얽힌 누더기 같은 그래픽을 보고 있자면, 정이 떨어져야 정상이지만, 나름 누더기가 이쁘게 잘 짜여져 있어 미술 작품을 보는 기분이 들게해준다. 초기 인디게임들답게, 특이한 게임성 특이한 그래픽 경험 삼박자를 선물해주기 때문에 , 구지 번들이 아니라도 단품으로 구매해 볼만한 좋은 작품이다. 종합 평점 8점