Mr. Robot

Asimov is a lowly service mechanoid aboard the interstellar colony ship Eidolon. Carrying hundreds of frozen human colonists to a new world. When the Eidolon's computer brain malfunctions, it falls to Asimov to undertake a perilous journey through the bowels of the massive ship to save his robot friends and the precious human cargo. Mr.

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게임 정보

Asimov is a lowly service mechanoid aboard the interstellar colony ship Eidolon. Carrying hundreds of frozen human colonists to a new world. When the Eidolon's computer brain malfunctions, it falls to Asimov to undertake a perilous journey through the bowels of the massive ship to save his robot friends and the precious human cargo.
Mr. Robot is a 3D action-puzzle-adventure-rpg. Inspired by classic filmation games such as Knight Lore and Alien8 and mixed with 'Ghost Hack' — an abstract RPG in which the player hacks into computer terminals and battles defensive computer programs.
  • Over 200 beautifully realised (yet perilous!) rooms.
  • Over 20 different enemies.
  • 7 friendly robots to aid you in your quest.
  • Hack hostile networks in 'ghost hack'.
  • Solve puzzles.
  • Numerous medals to unlock.
  • Discover what has caused all the problems onboard the starship.
  • Rescue your robot friends and the sleeping human crew and save the mission.


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

10500 원

요약 정보

액션 인디 전략

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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