Conflict RPG

Conflict is a Rpvp game with a emphasis on social interaction

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게임 정보

Conflict is a RPG with a unique flair and twist to the standard of what role you play and how you impact the world. Conflict really shows its separation from other games with how you are able to actually play a role that matters. With such a wide variety of ways to play, players that are combatable and players that are more passive and social will find their place in the game. Mechanics and systems that play a vital role in showing the hands on approach players will have. All wrapped together with tools made to show the player driven direction and contribution to the story.
Noticed in a lot of games that flex the 'RPG' theme , Conflict aims to actually give players a role to play. As players play the game, they will soon realize the sheer amount of jobs and responsibilities that come with playing X role. Varying jobs like being a village leader that consist of a total of over 30+ management verbs . Or playing smaller roles like a Medic, who is given their own series of minigames, like a /911 feature to lead them to players in need. Conflict really strives to make every job feel important and have content.
Although a Roleplaying game, players will still see the variety of gameplay with not only being social, but being combatable. The game has a total of over 10 clans and counting. Paired with a diverse end game that leads toward player combat variety. With this combat also comes the technological routes such as using Mounts, Mechs, and machinery . Conflict wants to make combat more than just player to player, but emphasize Player vs Technology
The shining jewel of Conflict is the tools, mechanics and systems that come with the atmosphere and cycle of play. The game having 4 professions, and 4 specializations, along with riddles of verbs , tools and tabs for each. It may even be overwhelming as players learn about the role of the economy with money laundering, inflation, and village upkeep. Those of PVP, and those of curiosity will surely have their fill and opportunity to play.
Let the conflict begin!


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요약 정보

액션 무료 플레이 대규모 멀티플레이어 RPG 앞서 해보기
*음성이 지원되는 언어

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관련 기사


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