ドラマチックロード 風の発端

A full-fledged simulation RPG set in modern Japan! A variety of characters unique to modern times, such as riders, magicians, and baseball players, have appeared. Command them, nurture them, and use their skills to protect the peace of the school!

트레일러 영상 보기 상점 방문하기

게임 정보

A full-fledged simulation RPG set in modern Japan! A variety of characters unique to modern times, such as riders, magicians, and baseball players, have appeared. Command them, nurture them, and use their skills to protect the peace of the school!


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

인디 RPG 시뮬레이션 전략 앞서 해보기
일본어, 영어

블로그 포스트 정보

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업적 목록
