
Strife® is a truly free to play, competitive, online ARTS / MOBA that features non-stop action and engaging combat. Take control of powerful and versatile heroes, each capable of dominating in unique ways, and exert your will in an epic battle between two teams.

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게임 정보

Enter the Hero

In Strife®, you will assume control of a powerful hero. Each hero is uniquely designed to embody a play-style or idea, and heroes are by far the most important aspect of any game of Strife. As a hero, you will decide how the game flows, how quickly it progresses, and whether the outcome is favourable for your team. All Strife heroes are freely available from your very first match!

Community First

How your fellow players behave matters a lot in online multiplayer games. Strife is designed from the ground up to encourage cooperation and reduce toxic conflicts.

Customize Your Armoury

Crafting enables you to change item components and recipes, allowing any item to be part of your arsenal.

Every Hero Needs a Sidekick

A Pet will accompany you onto the battlefield, offering you unique advantages. Play to unlock more pets to expand your options.

Shared Last Hit Gold

Fight your opponents, not your allies. Last Hit bounties obtained from brawler and hero kills are split between contributing teammates.

Out of Combat Regeneration

Staying out of combat for a short period of time will significantly increase your Health and Mana regeneration, allowing you to stay near the action instead of going back to base.

Personal Courier

Each player has an invulnerable personal courier to automatically deliver purchased items.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
액션 무료 RPG 전략
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 함영민의 디카갤러리 펜타스톰 무과금게임 공략, 모바일LOL 칭하는이유

    무과금게임 공략 베타기간 동안 AOS 매력에 푹 빠지게 한 펜타스톰이 드디어 정식 오픈했습니다! AOS는 영원한 투쟁을 뜻하는 Aeon Of Strife의 줄임말, 해외에서는 MOBA (Multiplayers Online Battle Arena) 라는 단어를 더...

  • (다시시작하는) FNC Sonic의 블로그! [롤] [공략]리그 오브 레전드의 초보자 공략 가이드!

    롤 초보자 공략 가이드 입니다! 먼저, 롤이란 어떤게임이냐 부터 알아보죠~ 리그오브레전드는 AOS게임인데요... 이 AOS의 뜻이 정말 흥미로웠어요! 스타크래프트의 유즈맵 Aeon of Strife에서 유래가 되었다고...

  • 인포머의 웨어하우스 펜타스톰 공략 : 엠가나의 랭킹전 역할

    펜타스톰 공략 : 엠가나의 랭킹전 역할 장르 자체가 MOBA(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) 혹은 AOS(Arena Of Strife)이다 보니 여러 유저와 실시간 대전을 하는 방식이 주를 이루게 됩니다. 특히 별도로 편성된 랭킹전은...

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