Peggle™ Nights

Join the Peggle Masters on a dreamtime adventure of alter egos and peg-tastic action. Stay up late to aim, shoot and clear orange pegs, and bask in Extreme Fever glory under the silver moon.

상점 방문하기

게임 정보

The sun has set at the Peggle Institute, but the bouncy delight has just begun! Join the Peggle Masters on a dreamtime adventure of alter egos and peg-tastic action. Stay up late to aim, shoot and clear orange pegs, and bask in Extreme Fever glory under the silver moon.

Then, put your Peggle skills to the ultimate test in Challenge mode. If you can master all that fevered action, play to your heart's content with Duel mode and Quick Play. Plus, you can stock your Trophy Room and revel in clickable replays for even more rebounding joy!

  • Explore all 60 levels in Adventure mode
  • Meet a new Peggle Master and learn a new Magic Power
  • Test your skills in 60 challenges
  • Unlock Duel mode to compete against friends and the computer
  • Celebrate your Peggle prowess with clickable replays and a Trophy Room!


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

5500 원

추정 판매 / 매출
예측 판매량


예측 매출


요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS

오픈마켓 가격 정보

관련 기사

업적 목록


스팀 리뷰 (3)

총 리뷰 수: 3 긍정 피드백 수: 3 부정 피드백 수: 0 전체 평가 : 3 user reviews
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  • 고전겜입죠...게임 목록 늘리는 목적 아니면 사지마요...
