Psychonauts Original Soundtrack

All the pleasure of Psychonauts music gathered here for you to enjoy, without all that tedious running, jumping , and otherwise playing of the game.

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Here it is! All the pleasure of Psychonauts music gathered here for you to enjoy, without all that tedious running, jumping , and otherwise playing of the game. Peter McConnell has put together a fantastic score for you to enjoy. Every track here is so different, and yet they have so many sneaky things in common. There are themes sewn throughout each piece so subtly, you could listen to it a hundred times before you'd catch them all. And that's what I recommend you do: listen to the soundtrack one hundred times. In a row. And whenever the action music from Sasha's cube comes on, chase your cat around the house the whole time. And when Bonita's theme comes on, sit down and cry for no reason. And when the Meat Circus music plays, cry for no reason AND chase your cat at the same time. That will really freak her out.


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5500 원

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