This Book Is A Dungeon

Auto-cannibalism. Demonic Seduction. Occult Rituals. Bloodfeasting Worms. This dark, horrific Twine-based dungeon crawler pairs edgy interactive fiction with grisly pixel art and light RPG elements. Navigate this sprawling narrative-driven labyrinth bristling with otherworldly doom.

트레일러 영상 보기 상점 방문하기

게임 정보

Auto-cannibalism. Demonic Seduction. Occult Rituals. Bloodfeasting Worms. This Book Is A Dungeon has it all and more. This dark, horrific Twine-based dungeon crawler pairs edgy interactive fiction with grisly pixel art and light RPG elements. Prepare to be disturbed, titillated, and savaged by unholy denizens aplenty in your quest to navigate this sprawling narrative-driven labyrinth bristling with otherworldly doom.


Part of the intended challenge is in experimenting to see where different paths and choices lead you. It's impossible to experience all of the content in a single runthrough. Experiment, be bold, and uncover your fate, wherever it may lead!


  • Experience a grim story-driven horror adventure
  • Solve cryptic and disturbing puzzles
  • Die in dozens of horrible ways
  • Enjoy light RPG elements, including combat and inventory
  • Discover multiple endings
  • BONUS: 40,000 word game dev diary

This game is not for the squeamish or faint of heart.


This Book Is A Dungeon was originally created as an interactive fiction and self-publishing experiment. It was initially launched as a game inside a Kindle book that served as a developer diary documenting the entire process for creating the game from start to finish. As part of the Steam Edition, you can access a free download link for a PDF version of the dev diary within the main menu.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

어드벤처 인디

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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