Star Trek®: D-A-C is a fast-paced, top-down space shooter inspired by the new motion picture. This pick-up and play game allows you and your friends to choose from five classes of starships (including the all-new U.S.S. Enterprise flagship class) and battle it out online!

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게임 정보

Star Trek®: D-A-C is a fast-paced, top-down space shooter inspired by the new motion picture. This pick-up and play game allows you and your friends to choose from five classes of starships (including the all-new U.S.S. Enterprise flagship class) and battle it out online! Command the large and durable Flagship, the nimble Fighter, the devastating Bomber, the indispensable Support Frigate, or obliterate hostiles with the powerful Missile Cruiser. Each ship class has their own unique strengths and capabilities. But be careful, as each of these classes also have their weaknesses, and only the best commanders will be able to minimize these shortcomings. Enlist in Starfleet or join the Romulan Empire as you battle with up to 11 friends. Engage the enemy in unique game play modes, including: Online Versus, Online Co-op, and Survival mode, a single player experience that pits the player against wave after wave of Romulan enemies and features exciting new Super Special Pickups, unique enemy ship classes, and more. Choose your side, fire your weapons, boldly go!
  • 12 player multiplayer – Featuring 4 gameplay modes and detailed Stat Tracking: Survival Mode, Death-match, Assault, Conquest
  • Play against the computer alone or cooperatively with friends
  • Variety of Powerups & Special Pickups
  • Five ship classes, Support Frigate, Missile Cruiser, Fighter, Bomber, and Flagship
  • New user-customizable match settings
  • Improved graphics, animations and controls


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요약 정보

영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 이탈리아어, 스페인어 - 스페인

오픈마켓 가격 정보

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