Fractal Space

Live the memorable experience of a first-person, story-driven adventure and puzzle game! Avoid traps, use your Jetpack and Taser-Gun to think your way through Zero-Gravity puzzles of this mysterious space station.

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게임 정보

특징 목록

Works perfectly with Xbox 360, Xbox One, DualShock 4 gamepads and Steam Controller!

게임 정보

What are you really trying to escape?


Enjoyed our free Demo of the first Chapter? Join our Official Discord Server to request a key and play the Pre-Alpha now up to Chapter 4!


  • Control your Jetpack to fly freely around space!
  • Shoot your Taser-Gun to power-up devices remotely
  • Solve amazing puzzles involving Zero-Gravity rooms
  • Use Hyper-Speed to bend time around you and survive impossible traps
  • Find Upgrade Terminals to acquire new Abilities
  • Find lost Recordings to understand what lead you here and learn about yourself
  • New Game+ to keep Upgrades, access secret rooms and passages!
  • Enable Speedrun Mode to skip cutscenes and accelerate parts of gameplay

TASER-GUN | Your Best Friend

Shoot your Taser-Gun to power-up electric devices remotely. When you're alone in the universe, this weapon is your best friend. Keep an eye out for Taser Batteries to make sure you don't run out!

JETPACK | Enjoy Flying

Defy laws of physics by firing up your Jetpack to fly freely through space and avoid deadly traps. You cannot risk falling into the void; use it wisely and make sure you have enough fuel to make your jump!

CONTROL TIME | Hyper-Speed

Use your Hyper-Speed ability to slow down time around you, allowing you to focus and survive traps that would be deadly at regular speed! Beware - Hyper-Speed consumes health, so don't overdo it!

ZERO-GRAVITY | Sensational

Discover a new way of thinking first-person puzzles and survive rooms in Zero-Gravity! Stay sharp and aware of your surroundings - it's easy to get lost when you're floating in space.


Explore the station to find Upgrade Terminals and acquire new Abilities! Upgrades are persistent for a New Game+ when the game is completed. You'll enjoy a faster second run!


During your journey in this dangerous space station, dexterity is not your only challenge: activate switches, complete mini-games, use cubes to reach higher grounds, go through teleporters, orient light mirrors, search for clues and much more!


Explore and pick up hidden recordings throughout the station - they will help you solve puzzles, recall what happened to you and find answers about your past, present and future. Remember to acquire Health Packs and Taser Batteries to help you get through this adventure.

REPLAY VALUE | Find Secrets

Many rooms can be completed in multiple ways. Others can be skipped using secret passageways. Once you have completed the main story-line, continue your adventure in New Game+ to discover previously inaccessible Bonus Rooms, secret passages and obtain all bonus Upgrades and Recordings!

OPTIMIZED | Potato-Friendly

The game features high-end graphics with realistic dynamic lighting and shadows, Ambient Occlusion, Tonemapping, HDR Support, Screen-Space Reflections, Motion Blur, Bloom and Anti-Aliasing.
However, if you are playing with a laptop or an old Potato PC, you are welcome too! By disabling most of these resource-intensive effects, you'll be able to enjoy playable framerates, even on Integrated Graphics Cards!

COMPETE | Achievements & Leaderboards

Show everyone what a puzzle mastermind you are by unlocking more than 70 Achievements, sharing your speedrun scores with your friends and the entire world!

SPEEDRUN | Optimize Gameplay

Enjoy a speedrunner-friendly experience by enabling Speedrun Mode, allowing you to optimize your timings and compete with your friends via Leaderboards! Speedrun Mode shows you additional timers, speeds-up elevators and allows you to completely disable all cut-scenes of the game.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
액션 어드벤처 인디
영어*, 프랑스어, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 헝가리어, 이탈리아어, 체코어, 덴마크어, 폴란드어, 러시아어, 스웨덴어, 중국어 간체, 튀르키예어, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 우크라이나어, 한국어
*음성이 지원되는 언어

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