Medieval II: Total War™ Kingdoms

Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms is the official expansion to last year's award-winning Medieval II: Total War, presenting players with all-new territories to explore, troops to command, and enemies to conquer.

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Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms is the official expansion to last year's award-winning Medieval II: Total War, presenting players with all-new territories to explore, troops to command, and enemies to conquer.
Kingdoms is the most content-rich expansion ever produced for a Total War game, with four new entire campaigns centered on expanded maps of the British Isles, Teutonic Northern Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. In Medieval II, you were only given a tantalizing glimpse of South America, but in Kingdoms, vast tracts of land in both North and South America have been opened up for you to conquer. All-new factions from the New World are also now fully playable, including the Aztecs, Apaches, and Mayans.
Along with the new maps in the Britannia, Teutonic, Crusades, and New World Campaigns, there are 13 new factions to play, over 110 units to control, and 50 building types, adding up to 80 hours of new gameplay. Kingdoms also offers new multiplayer maps and hotseat multiplayer, a first for the Total War series, allowing you to play one-versus-one campaign games on the same computer.
  • Four new campaigns - Britannia, Teutonic, Crusades, and New World
  • 10 new units
  • 13 new factions
  • 9 new agents
  • 50 new buildings
  • 60+ new territories across four new maps
  • 15 new multiplayer maps and scenarios
  • All-new 1v1 hotseat multiplayer campaign mode


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

25000 원

추정 판매 / 매출
예측 판매량


예측 매출


요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 퐉스터 Total War: MEDIEVAL II 리뷰 및 공략 방법

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  • 게임을 모으는 사람들의 공간 1099. MEDIEVAL II : TOTAL WAR - KINGDOMS

    위한 확장팩이라고 하는데,,어렵다는 의미인지, 모든것이 총망라 되있다는 의미인지 플레이를 해보질 않아 정확하게 모르겠습니다. MEDIEVAL II : TOTAL WAR - KINGDOMS Sega | Aug 28, 2007

  • 컴퓨터 시스템 컨설턴트 님의블로그 토탈워: 미디블 2 ( Total War: MEDIEVAL II )

    II - Medieval II: Total War™ Kingdoms 구매 페이지 링크 시스템 요구 사항 출처 : 스팀 권장 사양이 매우...

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