AppGameKit Classic - Educational Materials Pack

In addition to being a great hobbyist tool, AppGameKit Classic is an excellent programming language to teach coding for the very first time, capable of starting students off with an easy to use BASIC and progressing to the industry standard C++ for more advanced lessons.

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게임 정보

In addition to being a great hobbyist tool, AppGameKit Classic is an excellent programming language to teach coding for the very first time, capable of starting students off with an easy to use BASIC and progressing to the industry standard C++ for more advanced lessons.

In the booklet accompanying these educational materials, you’ll find a very simple guide with code exercises to introduce:

  • Commands
  • Remarks
  • Programming Conventions
  • Loops and Functions
  • Variables
  • Mathematical Operators
  • The Two-Dimensional Grid
  • Conditional Statements
  • Logical Operators
  • Input
  • Images And Sprites
  • Text
  • Syntax And Debugging
  • Arrays and User-Defined Types

The booklet PDF is accompanied by source code for each of the lessons taught and starts the student off at a very easy pace to ensure they grasp the concepts before moving onto more advanced topics.

Please note that this book does not attempt to teach BASIC, C++ or AGK2 statements, only provide a guide to what to teach initially

The guide was written and designed by author Robert J. Saunders, his website being found at


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
애니메이션과 모델링 디자인과 일러스트레이션 교육 소프트웨어 교육 유틸리티 게임 개발

업적 목록

