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  • Giveaway of the Day Week 55 - Free games for the weekday - Flight Sim's...

    Swedish, Russian, French, German and Italian by clicking HERE eula: This software and... We had a great game of Left 4 Dead earlier with four giveaway group members playing the new DLC....

  • Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World My Conversation with the excellent Christopher Kirchhoff

    Here is the intro: Christopher Kirchhoff is an expert in emerging technology who founded... Basically, the assumption remains that a Russian sub will not get close enough to a battle...

  • Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World The polity that is Russia

    Hazel Meade 2024-10-06 14:10:33 8 4 # The ideal outcome would probably be a Russian... The Bolsheviks just continued the anti-Christian policies of the Western left. Policies alien to...

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