Media Representative A: So, have you heard the latest about POSCO’s decision regarding their base in China? They’re apparently planning to sell it off after all. This move has sparked quite a few discussions within the industry. It...
concerns about the impact Trump’s tariffs could have on inflation Fed officials note abundance of uncertainty in Trump's policy moves 5:21 AM GMT+9 #경상수지 #흑자 작년 경상흑자 990억달러, 3배로↑…12월...
his damnation and a profound act of grace. Such grace is not meek resignation to injustice and... What about the Trail of Tears and the smallpox blankets? What might all of that mean to a nation...
excited about her marriage to Wolf (David Scheid), a stout, jovial young man who moves his new... of allthe despair. Instead, we’re left with a chilling matter-of-factness as blunt as a...
never-ending damnation — this spirit seizes your attention from the get-go because everything... Even so, given allthe mileage that it racks up as it moves from the downstairs kitchen to the...
of damnation. “Broadcast News” is the great American movie about crying. Holly Hunter plays... Clinton about how she manages it all, and the tears came, along with a debate that boiled down...
in the trials to evade eternal damnation and Haewonmak and Deok-choon’s quarrels with Seong... It feels like the film has to justify every bad deed of allthe characters, and ends up making some...