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블로그 포스트 정보

  • Sharing is Caring We focus on eternal comfort.

    God comforts us by speaking to us secretly (Job 15:11). God's word is our comfort in times of suffering. The Lord's word gives us life (Psalms 119:50). Therefore, we focus on God's...

  • DicStudy Your job will be to focus on what ~ (feat. 수의 일치...

    2) "주격 관계대명사 what"이 갖는 특징 #문장 훑어보기 Your job will be ①to focus on what... (2) The news is what matters to them. = 그 소식은 그들에게 중요한 것이다. 위와 같은...

  • 컨텐츠로 즐기는 룩룩잉글리쉬 커리어] How long should you stay at your job? (2)

    *compensate Don't focus on just getting a huge pay bump before you are actually ready, before you have gained the right skills. *pay bump I took a $20,000 pay cut when I *job-hoped the first...

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