e di Calbo, poi le accosta al suo cuo, appoggiandosi sulla tomba, ed ergendo gli sguardi al cielo. Calbo’s Aria CALBO Do not fear: that heart was never capable of a base emotion, nor could it ever buy its peace with a...
~ Uberto, Serpina 18:38 • Duetto: Lo conosco ~ Serpina, Uberto Part 2: 23:03 • Recitativo: Or che fatto ~ Serpina... (It seems to me that he begins to be stirred.) If ever I was insolent, forgive me. I behaved badly, I understand. (He is...
qua di là. (parte) No. 8 - Air Andante majoso (C major) / Allegro Arches, 2 oboe, 2 horns, 2 trumpets. CONTINO From scirocco to tramontana, from the east to midday it is clear around, around my ancient nobility. I have...