
In Planetes your aim is to survive, create and explore. You will need to harvest resources, in order to construct bases, spacecraft, and items. Protect yourself from other players by creating better spacecraft or a stronger base. Explore space, finding asteroids and planets to land on.

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게임 정보

In Planetes your aim is to survive, create and explore.

You will need to harvest resources, in order to construct bases, spacecraft, and items. Protect yourself from other players by creating better spacecraft or a stronger base. Explore space, finding asteroids and planets to land on.

If you travel through space you can find planets with simulated gravity and atmosphere. You can land on these planets, or crash land if your ship is not powerful enough. When you arrive you can find resources to harvest and area to build bases.

Before you can travel through space you will need to build a ship. If you don't like building in games, you won't have to do much to have a functional spacecraft. If you do like building, you will find a building system with 6 categories of spaceship components each with many different and unique parts offering many options for you to build your ship with.

Other players are dangerous, but you can also create alliances with them.

Follow Planetes development on the development discord.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
액션 캐주얼 인디 RPG 전략 앞서 해보기
*음성이 지원되는 언어

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