Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven - Part Two

Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven: Part Two continues your story as you escape Nightfall with your new group of survivors in search of a safe haven. Continue your story from part one, or skip right to the new chapters with a new character!

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Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven: Part Two continues your story as you escape Nightfall with your new group of survivors in search of a safe haven. Continue your story from part one, or skip right to the new chapters with a new character!

With three brand new chapters and another 475,000 words, Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven is now more than than 900,000 in total! That's 32,000 words each time you play Part Two alone, and more than 72,000 for the full game. Given the number of paths from beginning to end, you can have a unique story every time and still never see all there is in Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven!

  • Grow your group to as many as 20 characters, with 12 of them as romantic options.
  • Become leader of the group or let another survivor take the lead.
  • Expand your skills, train other survivors, or receive training from them.


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윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
어드벤처 인디 RPG

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