
Intelligence - a puzzle game in which you want to build the image so that the picture was like the original image. Move the puzzle tiles wisely to collect the correct order of the pieces of images

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게임 정보

Intelligence - a puzzle game in which you want to build the image so that the picture was like the original image. Move the puzzle tiles wisely to collect the correct order of the pieces of images. The essence of the game as in the old game "Tag" (15). The game will have 6 levels with 3x3 field size and 6 other levels with 4x4 field size. Each level has a different image.
The game contains images of a cat, a crocodile, a woodpecker, two bouquets of flowers, two landscapes, the Kremlin, Putin, Kim Jong-UN, police car, the Capitol.

Key features:
- 12 different levels
- Random generation of tiles at the start of the level
- Developing the brain
- Achievements!


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

캐주얼 인디
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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