
Forget Life, Play SNOOD!

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게임 정보

Snood is one of the most popular puzzle games of all time.
Snood is a fun puzzle game that tests your intellect rather than your reflexes.
The gameplay is identical to Snood you know from the 90's.

Your goal is to save all the trapped Snoods by launching other Snoods at them.
If you connect three or more identical Snoods, they will disappear.
If that leaves any Snoods not connected to the top of the playing field, they will fall to safety.
Don't take too long, though - every Snood you launch increases the danger level.

Snood is simple to learn but difficult to master and therefore great for ages 2 - 102!

Forget Life, Play SNOOD!


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블로그 포스트 정보

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