The Chronicles of Riddick™ Assault on Dark Athena

Be Riddick, the most ruthless criminal in the universe. In his latest chronicle, Riddick has been captured by The Dark Athena, a mercenary ship hell-bent on eliminating him once and for all. Using his intense hand-to-hand combat skills, explosive firepower, and lethal stealth, Riddick must shut down the maniacal Captain Revas and her...

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Be Riddick, the most ruthless criminal in the universe. In his latest chronicle, Riddick has been captured by The Dark Athena, a mercenary ship hell-bent on eliminating him once and for all. Using his intense hand-to-hand combat skills, explosive firepower, and lethal stealth, Riddick must shut down the maniacal Captain Revas and her deadly crew. When Riddick steps into the darkness, no one is safe.

Before battling the Necromongers on Helion Prime — even before the crash landing of the Hunter-Gratzner on a deserted planet in Pitch Black — Riddick stalked his enemies across the universe. Play the award-winning Escape from Butcher Bay campaign, which has been re-mastered with top of the line graphics specifically for next-gen systems.

The new Assault on Dark Athena campaign takes place immediately following the events on Butcher Bay, as now Riddick must use his well-honed skills to evade capture by the forces of Captain Revas, and put an end to her evil plans once and for all.

With Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena you get two complete games!

  • Brutal and Graphic Executions: Dozens of graphically gorgeous ways to perform brutal instant executions on unsuspecting enemies
  • Advanced Melee Combat Mechanics: Well-developed hand-to-hand combat system combines traditional melee attacks with blocks, parries, and savage counter-attacks
  • Intuitive Stealth System: An intuitive stealth system unique to the FPS genre adds a whole new dimension of strategy to traditional action and FPS game play
  • Exciting Online Multi-player: Multi-player includes never before seen game modes as well as melee combat and stealth action
  • Developed by Starbreeze Studios: Acclaimed developers of the first Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay title as well as other hit titles including The Darkness
  • Escape from Butcher Bay Game Included: A new, upgraded version of the award winning Xbox and PC title Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay — recognized as one of the best games of 2004 — has been visually re-mastered for next-gen systems, and has been included free along with the stunning, new Dark Athena campaign


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요약 정보

영어*, 스페인어 - 스페인, 독일어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어
*음성이 지원되는 언어

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  • MAVROS The Chronicles of Riddick™ Assault on Dark Athena 대행...

    The Chronicles of Riddick™ Assault on Dark Athena 대행 맞춤 컨텐츠로 광고하세요! The Chronicles of Riddick™ Assault on Dark Athena 대행 맞춤 컨텐츠로 광고하세요! 1. 또한 A는 갚고있는 상황 속에서도채권자의...


    좋았고 판매도 괜찮았기 때문에 3부작으로 예정되어 있던 마지막 세번째 작품도 분명히 출시가 될것 같습니다. THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK : ASSAULT ON DARK ATHENA Atari , Starbreeze , Release: Apr 7, 2009

  • 2... pink .... 2 2..... 영문] The Chronicles Of Riddick Assault On Dark Athena...

    다운 받으신후 The.Chronicles.Of.Riddick.Assault.On.Dark.Athena-ArenaBG.iso 를 데몬툴에 마운트시키고 리딕을 인스톨 합니다. 2. 리딕 공식 1.01 버전 패치를...

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