Liftoff®: FPV Drone Racing

Liftoff® is a drone simulator that translates the rush of first-person view drone flight to the digital world. Join the biggest community for virtual FPV racing and freestyle!

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게임 정보

#컨트롤러필수 #드론덕구의유일한선택지 #실제드론구현


Liftoff requires a remote or controller to play

게임 정보

Liftoff® is the gateway to the quadcopter racing and freestyle scene, a platform both for pilots with real-life experience and for gamers who are still unfamiliar with the hobby. Veterans can explore new environments or race one another, while newcomers can hone their flying skills before taking to the field.

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the exhilarating world of FPV. That's why we've developed Liftoff®, a simulator that caters to everyone, from seasoned FPV veterans to gamers who are taking their first steps into the world of drone racing.

Liftoff® boasts unparalleled realistic physics and flight engine, ensuring an accurate replication of the real-life drone flight dynamics. These are not just fancy words, we are fully transparant on how we achieve the most authentic results on the market.

Liftoff® offers the tools to customize your drones and to create custom race tracks. Drones in our simulators are highly customizable, with components featuring true-to-life specifications that are realistically factored into the flight behavior.

Our team is driven by your feedback and requests, and we are proud to have built a platform that truly reflects a shared vision of the community. As evidence of this commitment, we have already released over 200 free updates to date.

Liftoff supports the use of FPV goggles and a wide range of remotes to further blur the line between the game experience and the real world.

Although it is possible to use a game controller with Liftoff, the optimal experience is achieved by using a transmitter.
While the game is available in a few languages, support can only be offered in English.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS 리눅스OS
인디 레이싱 시뮬레이션 스포츠
영어*, 프랑스어*, 우크라이나어*
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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