
Nebuchadnezzar is a classic isometric city builder game inviting players to experience the mysterious history and culture of ancient Mesopotamia. In the campaign, players get to rule over influential historical cities filled with magnificent monuments.

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#물류동선최적화 #90년대스타일심시티 #사막도시짓기
Nebuchadnezzar is a classic isometric city builder game inviting players to experience the mysterious history and culture of ancient Mesopotamia. In the campaign, players get to rule over influential historical cities filled with magnificent monuments.


Join the Nebuchadnezzar community on the official DIscord server. Share your cities, ideas, suggestions with other players and the developers.


Build your city while you oversee the manufacturing of different agriculture and goods for your population. Solve problems, prevent population loss, trade with other cities, handle foreign relationships, take care of varying population classes and employee types across various industries and services, and many more. Nebuchadnezzar’s gameplay is geared towards all types of players: from beginners of the genre to experienced strategists.


Nebuchadnezzar’s main campaign contains more than a dozen historical missions covering the colonization of ancient lands to the conquest of Babylon by Persians in the 6th Century bc. Each mission summons a different time period in Ancient Mesopotamian history, providing comprehensive historical experience. Players must carry out tasks important to the specific time and place of each mission, including the construction of historical monuments.


During the campaign players will not only build complex ancient monuments, but design them too. Nebuchadnezzar features an in-game monument editor giving players complete control over their buildings. From structural design to color scheme to final details: it’s in the hands of the player. Will you recreate history or make history? It’s up to you.

Mods & Localization

Nebuchadnezzar was created with mods and localization in mind. Expand your experience with the full support of mods from new buildings, new goods, production chains, and even new maps, missions, and campaigns. It is almost entirely moddable. Localizing mods will also not be a problem. You can create mods in multiple languages and/or add languages to existing ones. This applies to the base game as well.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 리눅스OS
인디 시뮬레이션 전략
영어*, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 체코어, 폴란드어, 러시아어, 중국어 간체, 일본어, 한국어, 포르투갈어 - 포르투갈, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 튀르키예어, 우크라이나어, 스웨덴어
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

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