
Shiro is an adventure platformer in which you have to find your missing sister

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게임 정보

#독특한점프조작 #횡스크롤점프액션 #짧은플탐(1시간)

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게임 정보

Holo and Shiro are twin sisters who travel the world since childhood in search of adventure. Once they were attacked by the evil witch Satella and took Shiro to her gloomy cave. Now Holo has to find his sister.

Help Holo find her sister. Overcome a dense forest, an ancient temple, dangerous dungeons and destroy enemies in this pixelated adventure platformer!

  • Balancing combat and platforming
  • Over 25 levels
  • Unique events and mini-games
  • Challenging gameplay
  • funny rabbits
  • A dynamic and lively world

Shiro, my dear sister. Wherever you are now, know that we will definitely meet again. I promise.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

액션 어드벤처 인디
영어, 러시아어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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