퍼블리셔 : Orbi Universo Team
개발자 : Orbi Universo Team
Incarnate the leader of a civilization, from the Roman Empire to a Chinese dynasty, makes it prosper and stand the test of time.
Orbi Universo is a strategy/simulation game in which you manage your civilization with an abstract and complex node system and you make your society evolve through different periods, from cavemen to the Modern Era.
A Civilization encapsulated
Your civilization is defined by nodes, they are the abstract representation of what your civilization is. These nodes interact with each other and it's up to the player to add new ones or increase the importance of the already present one to evolve technologically or to choose a cultural and political path.Choose the path of your people
Choose where you start and lead a civilization through time from their first days as a primal hunter-gatherer tribe to a glorious empire. But all civilizations have a unique feature that make their personality, so ride as Horde, rule as Emperor or lead as a Theocracy, the experimentation is never over!Adapt to troubles
Experimentation can end in a nip in the bud due to natural disasters, envious neighbour or bloodthirsty barbarians! You need to reconsider your strategy with each new event and era.Replay History
More than 30 challenges recreating historical settings like the Fall of Rome, the Sengoku Jidai or the French Revolution. This allows you to discover new ways of playing the game as well as some tough challenges for veteran players.Moddable Experience
The structure of the game was designed to ease the creation and implementation of mods and can be expanded by you and the community at any moment!
데모크라시 3와 같은 역사 시뮬레이션으로 보이지만, 실상은 선택지는 정해져 있고 그걸 강제로 따르게 하도록 만든 게임입니다. 선사시대부터 철기까지는 그럴듯한 전개를 보이지만 종교테크를 찍지 않으면 고대 후기가 열리지 않고, 고대 후기가 열리면 갑자기 야만인들이 스팸해오며 여기서 봉건제를 찍지 않으면 대학을 올릴 수 없는 등, 이 게임은 문명이나 패러독스 게임처럼 설정된 세계에서 선택과 그에 따른 결과로 역사를 전개하는 게임이 아니라, 역사의 주요 선택지를 복습하는 참고서와 같은 게임입니다. 추천하지 않습니다.