Reticent Retribution

Reticent Retribution is a top down twin stick shooter. A 3rd person action game. You must blast waves of space enemies. You can use the keyboard and a controller. 720p 60fps. Press 'esc' to quit, 'h' for help.

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게임 정보

Reticent Retribution is a top down twin stick shooter.
A 3rd person action game.

You must blast waves of space enemies.
You can use the keyboard and a controller.

You have a gun.
You have 8 way movement and 8 way aiming.
There are three enemy types.
There are random maps with terrain to block movement.

720p 60fps.
Press 'esc' to quit, 'h' for help.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 리눅스OS
액션 인디

오픈마켓 가격 정보

관련 기사

업적 목록

