Trials 2: Second Edition

RedLynx Trials 2 Second Edition is a spectacular motorcycle game featuring stunning graphics and addictive gameplay! 4 game types (race, flip, wheelie, dynamic)Race: Race against other players to compete levels as fast as possibleFlip: Try to make as many backflips or frontflips with your bikeWheelie: Drive on your backwheel for longest...

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게임 정보

RedLynx Trials 2 Second Edition is a spectacular motorcycle game featuring stunning graphics and addictive gameplay!

  • 4 game types (race, flip, wheelie, dynamic)
    Race: Race against other players to compete levels as fast as possible
    Flip: Try to make as many backflips or frontflips with your bike
    Wheelie: Drive on your backwheel for longest distance possible
    Dynamic: Navigate through tracks with various dynamic obstacles and puzzles
  • Over 51 tracks to play
  • Global highscores
  • Ghost challenge. Play against the ghost of any other player in high score list
  • Online player profiles with team, country and player statistics
  • 25 achievements to unlock


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가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

10500 원

요약 정보

인디 레이싱 스포츠
영어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 러시아어, 폴란드어, 스웨덴어, 체코어, 핀란드어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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    모짜르트 레퀴엠 - E단조 K626 Dies Irae 초대형 장기 프로젝트 - The Doritos - Second Edition 공략 제작자님 블로그 목차1-입실론 크루세이더2-직업소개소 바우가 말한 입실론 크루세이더는 동쪽으로 가다보면 나오는...

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