Tribes: Ascend

This edition packages weapon DLC from ten previous expansions as well new featured content.

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게임 정보

Tribes: Ascend is the world’s fastest shooter - a high-adrenaline, online multiplayer FPS with jetpacks, skiing, vehicles, and multiple classes. The classic shooter franchise Tribes has been played by well over 1 million people. With Tribes: Ascend, the franchise is reborn – fast-paced, vertical, acrobatic combat combined with class-based teamwork and stunning sci-fi visuals.

Key Features:

  • Skiing: A slow soldier is a dead soldier. By holding down space bar you remove friction and build momentum to traverse large maps, hunt down targets, and escape enemy territory at intense speeds.
  • Jetpacks: Total freedom of movement and aerial, dog-fight like combat.
  • Class-Based Combat: Unlock up to nine distinct classes, each with unique weapon loadouts and abilities.
  • Player Progression: As you play a class you gain experience which is used to unlock class-specific skills and perks. You can also share the xp gained while playing a favorite class to progress other classes.
  • Escalating Intensity: In each match you earn credits for shooting down enemies or supporting your team’s objectives. Use these match credits to upgrade base defenses, access vehicles, or call-in tactical strikes. The longer you play, the more chaotic the match becomes.
  • Vehicles: Pilot the powerful Beowulf tank, the speedy two-person Grav Cycle or the versatile flying Shrike.
  • Beautiful, Massive Battlefields: Wage war in a variety of open environments including frozen wastelands, sprawling cities, and jagged mountains.
  • Don’t Fight Alone: Friend-list allows you to link up with others and establish supremacy online
  • Free To Play... but not pay to win: All items affecting game play can be earned by playing the game itself. Players can purchase optional Tribes Gold to unlock classes more quickly and/or skills more quickly. Players will also be able to purchase cosmetic skins with Tribes Gold.
  • Spectator Mode: Highly-detailed spectator mode allows you to zoom in on your favorite players, view player data, and switch between action hot spots on the fly.


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가


요약 정보

액션 무료 플레이
영어*, 독일어, 러시아어, 포르투갈어 - 포르투갈
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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