Mayhem Intergalactic

Wage war on your friends and enemies in this simple and engaging strategy game. Easy to learn and quick to play, Mayhem Intergalactic is surprisingly strategic. Play against the computer, or duke it out with friends over the internet. The universe shall be yours!

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게임 정보

Wage war on your friends and enemies in this simple and engaging strategy game. Easy to learn and quick to play, Mayhem Intergalactic is surprisingly strategic. Play against the computer, or duke it out with friends over the internet. The universe shall be yours!

Key features:
  • This streamlined strategy game provides your strategy fix in minutes, not hours.
  • A stirring dynamic soundtrack spurs you on to glorious victory!
  • Randomly-generated and hand-crafted maps offer interesting and varied tactical situations.
  • Create your own galaxies, then conquer them — or share them with friends.
  • Simple rules, emergent strategy. Blitzkrieg or defense-in-depth? Power on through the front lines or sneak around the back? Attack with full strength and leave yourself open to counterattack, or split your fleet and risk total annihilation?
  • An alien wearing a monocle!


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10500 원

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