Sir, You Are Being Hunted

Sir, You Are Being Hunted is a freedom sandbox stealth experience, where each playthrough is unique, thanks to our British Countryside Generator. Escape from these robot-infested islands with violence, trickery and stealth. This brutally funny game is available for Windows, OSX, and Linux.

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게임 정보

#어려운난이도 #잠입생존 #도망다니며파밍
Sir, You Are Being Hunted is a procedurally-generated British horror in which tweed-wearing robots hunt you for sport. Roam the landscape, scavenge for food, hide breathlessly in the undergrowth, flee in terror, and even fight back with stolen weapons.

Sir is a stealth and survival game unlike any other.


Consider wishlisting our remastered SIR, YOU ARE BEING HUNTED: REINVENTED EDITION - a new, standalone game that will be discounted for owners of the original game.

Key Features

  • First-person stealth and survival.
  • Procedurally-generated British landscape.
  • Five biomes to explore: castle, industrial, rural, mountainous, and fenland.
  • Infinite replayability in a sandbox world.
  • Powerful, brutal AI that becomes tougher as you play.
  • Tea and biscuits.
  • Foliage-based stealth system.
  • Scavenge to survive.
  • Play as Sir or Madam.
  • Relentless Britishness.

    Every Game Unique!

    Sir, You Are Being Hunted is set on a mysterious archipelago generated procedurally by you, and therefore unique to each game you play. You can define your own islands, each one created in moments by our rather clever British Countryside Generator. These islands are then populated by a raving aristocracy of murderous robots, their robot hounds, and worse. You job is simply to survive, and get home.

    You're not entirely alone, though: The disembodied voice of Walters, your butler, will help you and offer advice.

    Ultimate AI Threat

    Sir's AI is one of the toughest in stealth, and as an open-world game, it's unique in its field. The robots are some of the most aggressive and intelligent game enemies you will ever experience, and will pursue you even after losing sight of you. Expect to be hunted!

    The Most British Of Games

    Sir, You Are Being Hunted is set in a parallel Britain, complete with bleak villages, rocky highlands, bramble-filled woodland, decrepit farms, and crumbling post-industrial landscapes. Made with the remarkable power of our British Landscape Generator, these landscapes are enormously evocative and teeming with detail. Take time to explore, and find that vital hidden flask of tea!


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요약 정보

윈도우OS 리눅스OS
액션 인디
*음성이 지원되는 언어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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  • ⭐ 수 원 타 이 거 치 과 ⭐ 써, 유 아 빙 헌티드 (Sir, You Are Being Hunted)...

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