RIP - Trilogy™

With the completion of the third title in the RIP series, the RIP games have become an instant classic in the arcade-shooter genre. RIP — Trilogy brings all three RIP titles into one exciting and heart-pounding pack.RIPNot afraid of Death? What if he is accompanied by Halloween and Rock-N-Roll?

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게임 정보

With the completion of the third title in the RIP series, the RIP games have become an instant classic in the arcade-shooter genre. RIP — Trilogy brings all three RIP titles into one exciting and heart-pounding pack.

Not afraid of Death? What if he is accompanied by Halloween and Rock-N-Roll? Play the part of these antiheroes and go to war in this all-out action experience! Each character has their own strengths and skills, but this is not a game for the faint of heart. With over 40 levels to RIP through, the results are murderous!
  • 40 levels of murder and mayhem
  • A variety of guns and battle magic
  • Three chilling characters
  • A toned-down, less violent kid's mode
RIP2 — Strike Back

Your favorite antiheroes are here to strike back with another score to settle. Death, Halloween and Rock-N-Roll...each character has his own strengths and skills, so pick one and start shooting. In Story Mode, you'll fight through 60 furious levels using an arsenal of upgradeable weapons, tanks, helicopters and turrets or for a quick adrenaline fix, play Rush Mode and see how long you can last.
  • Choose from a large arsenal of weapons
  • Assorted vehicles including gun turrets, tanks and helicopters
  • Variety of abilities and power-ups
  • 60 levels of unlimited gameplay
  • Huge boss levels for more challenge
  • Two modes of play; Rush Mode or Story Mode
RIP3 — The Last Hero

RIP3 — The Last Hero combines the dynamics of a hardcore shooter while preserving the elusive classic arcade appeal and never lets up on the intense action. Every level presents a new challenge, requiring you to not only prove your sharp-shooting, but to think and act tactically.
The terrain and environments must be employed to survive waves of adversaries, but since all in-game objects are destructible, you must think fast. Your hero will travel all over the world from the African jungle to the Arctic snow, through secret labs and bunkers, in the streets and skyscrapers of Metropolis city and also go into deep space using a hijacked spaceship.
  • 100 levels of arcade shooting action
  • 6 unique playable characters with varied and powerful skills to develop
  • A huge arsenal of destructive weaponry, each with 2 shooting modes
  • Capture and control military vehicles, including Tanks, Helicopters and Battle Turrets
  • Fully destructible battlefield - all the objects can be damaged and destroyed
  • Includes a space adventure minigame, where you pilot the Vostok-23 starship
  • 12 Huge, challenging bosses evoke classic arcade gameplay
  • 3 difficulty level settings to increase the intensity
  • Special bonuses and secrets are scattered throughout the game
  • Cooperative multiplayer for two players to battle against the enemy hordes
  • Multiplayer death-match for up to 6 players over LAN


접속자 수

가격 히스토리

출시 발매가

5500 원

추정 판매 / 매출
예측 판매량


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요약 정보

캐주얼 인디

블로그 포스트 정보

  • 아미아미아미 메이플스토리 서든어택 리그오브레전드 콜오브듀티 바람의나라

    《메이플스토리》(영어: MapleStory, 일본어: メイプルストーリ-)는 위젯 스튜디오에서 제작하고 넥슨 코리아가 서비스하는 세계 최초의 2D 사이드 스크롤 방식 온라인 게임이다. 전 세계 9개국...

  • 라보영어,교실 구직 관련 조언을 위한 만남 요청

    성냥, 경기 □ intimidate 겁을 주다, 위협하다 □ fury 분노, 격노 □ appeal to ~에 호소하다 □ be tired of ~하는 데 지치다[싫증이 나다] □ rip off ~을 벗어버리다 □ retreat 떠나다...

관련 기사

업적 목록


스팀 리뷰 (3)

총 리뷰 수: 3 긍정 피드백 수: 2 부정 피드백 수: 1 전체 평가 : 3 user reviews
  • * 요즘 나오는 게임에 비하면 그래픽, 조작감, 액션 모두 허접합니다. 진짜 말그대로 RIP 해버림. 평가작성하려고 보니까 체험판이 있네요? 아마 이게임의 모든 걸 느낄 수 있을 듯....

  • worthy ★★★★

  • RIP 1 타워 디펜스류가 아닌 자기가 직접 조준해서 적을 쓰더뜨리며 스테이지를 돌파하는 형태의 게임입니다. 개인적으로 별로 좋아하는 편은 아닙니다만 간단하게 즐기기에 좋을듯합니다. RIP2 전작에 비해 마우스 조작이 거지같습니다. 그게 마우스 포인터에 대한 조작이 마우스 상하좌우 움직임만을 입력받는데 (키보드 십자키로 움직인다고 생각하면 됨) 이렇게 하면 세부 조작이 상당히 거지 같게 됩니다. 나아진거라곤 플레이어가 직접 움직이면서 적을 잡을 수 있는 것 정도 스테이지에 나오는 적요소나 그런건 하나도 바뀐게 없음.
