
Dangerous is an epic 3D open and living world space combat RPG sandbox with an immersive and riveting story. Are you the feared war criminal who will destroy all life or the savior of the universe? Gather your wingmen and travel the galaxy in search of answers.

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게임 정보

Dangerous is an epic 3D open and living world space sandbox combat RPG with an immersive and riveting story. You have been awoken from cryo sleep a century later, and must discover the truth. Are you the feared war criminal who will destroy all life or the savior of the universe? Gather your wingmen and travel the galaxy in search of answers. Along the way, you'll encounter a Universal AI, a shadow group pulling history's strings, a princess, a schizophrenic robot, a beautiful lieutenant of the Royal Navy, a fearsome mercenary, a suicidal slave, and a playboy fighter ace.

Dangerous is a game that is 3 years in the making! It features:

  • 3D real-time sandbox game built with Unity game engine
  • metallic shader, lighting, particle effects, lens flare, explosions, fx
  • space combat RPG with extensive skill tree
  • open and living universe where 600+ ships fly around autonomously
  • epic story with dialogue system that allows real choices
  • recruit 6 wingmen and 2 can fly with you at a time
  • even discover romance with another wing pilot
  • recruit 5 corporate pilots who can fly trade routes on your behalf
  • trade, fight, mine, pirate, scan for derelict ships and wormholes
  • many mission types: epic, freelance, dynamic, wingman acquisition, faction loyalty
  • deep combat mechanics, AI, and faction standings
  • 20+ ships, 180+ modules, 33 solar systems with a unique follow-through-warp mechanic
  • 15+ factions to vie favor or destroy
  • cinematic camera shows you the action when it happens
  • fly manually with or without Newtonian physics or use autopilots exclusively
  • 22 track theatrical-quality award-winning soundtrack by renown composer, Sean Beeson
  • cloud save lets you continue your game at home or on the go


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

윈도우OS 맥OS
액션 어드벤처 인디 RPG 시뮬레이션 전략
영어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 아랍어, 불가리아어, 체코어, 덴마크어, 네덜란드어, 핀란드어, 그리스어, 헝가리어, 일본어, 한국어, 노르웨이어, 폴란드어, 포르투갈어 - 포르투갈, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 루마니아어, 러시아어, 중국어 간체, 스웨덴어, 태국어, 중국어 번체, 튀르키예어, 우크라이나어

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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